You can teach the Bible on the Lord’s Day and throughout the week with these trustworthy materials. Each of these Bible study series is designed to guide you through God’s Word.
Forty-one unique series are now available for use in the Sunday School, your personal Bible study, and for home or workplace Bible study groups.
You may preview these outstanding series by watching the video lesson preview included with each lesson and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format. A Teacher’s Pack is available for each series that includes the full-length book, the Teacher Guide, and the Student Study Guide.
Our Praying Saviour
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
In the final months of Pastor Sexton’s earthly journey, he worked to prepare messages that would be shared after he was at home with the Lord. The first book containing these messages shares the cherished thought of Our Praying Saviour. The High Priestly Prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ is His longest recorded prayer. The hour of His suffering and humiliation had come. On His way to the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to the Heavenly Father in an audible voice in the presence of His disciples so that His disciples might hear Him pray. This study takes an intimate look into the prayer life of our Saviour.
View Materials Purchase MaterialsLord, Teach Us to Pray
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Sit at the feet of our Lord Jesus and hear how He motivated His disciples to seek God in prayer. Then travel through the Scriptures with Dr. Sexton as he surveys the subject of prayer in thirteen Bible lessons. Finally, be encouraged and stirred by great quotes concerning prayer by E. M. Bounds, two sermons from Dr. Lee Roberson, a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, and a personal testimony written by J. Sidlow Baxter concerning his prayer life.
View Sample Pages Purchase MaterialsThe King Is Coming
by Dr. Lee Roberson
Believers since the first century have been comforted and strengthened by the blessed hope of the Second Coming of Christ. Dr. Lee Roberson recognized the need to restate this truth in the hearts and minds of the local church.
We are looking for our Lord’s return. Let us not despair. Study these truths expounded from Scripture. In Jesus Christ, we can live the victorious Christian life. Our King is coming!
Before It’s Too Late
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The Lord’s Lamentations of Jeremiah are given to awaken us. We are living in perilous times. Each of the thirteen chapters bring us face to face with our responsibility. May we heed the warning before it’s too late!
View Materials Purchase MaterialsEzra – Leading the Return to God
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
God’s Word is eternal. What we find in the book of Ezra will guide us back to God. During the days of Ezra, the people of God lost their identity. After 70 years in Babylonian captivity, the Lord providentially orchestrated their return by the hand of the Persian king, Cyrus. Ezra was used of God to lead the remnant to restore true worship and return to God.
View Materials Purchase MaterialsDiscipleship – The Miracle of Multiplication
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Experience the joy of going on the world’s greatest journey: the intentional pursuit of Jesus Christ. We have one life. A life lived for Jesus Christ will have meaning and purpose not just for time, but also for eternity. Nothing less than this deliberate pursuit is adequate to satisfy the deep desires of the human soul or the desperate needs of our world.
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Living as a First Century Christian
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
This epistle of James begins with prayer and ends with prayer. It begins with God and ends with God. It touches every aspect of the Christian life. It reveals to us the expectations God has for His children. The rst-century Christian had a faith that behaved like Christ. Our goal is God. We are His true followers in this world. We are enabled by the indwelling Holy Spirit to live as rst-century Christians lived. We suffer greatly today from low expectations in the Christian life. We must have a revolution back to the Bible. This will bring us face to face with rst-century Christianity. Walk with James through this book. Listen to his message. Respond to the Word of God. Begin to live as a first-century Christian.
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Stewardship of Life
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
God is always previous. The stewardship of life is our response to God. I am happy that the Lord has allowed me to come to this season of life before writing a book on stewardship. My influence can be put to better use after nearly half a century of walking with the Lord and coming both to a greater knowledge of Him and to a better understanding of His way with us.
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We Have Passed from Death unto Life
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Eternal life is the present possession of every child of God. This eternal life is the life of the Eternal One, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who know Him as personal Saviour have “passed from death unto life.” John brings us face-to-face with the evidences of this eternal life.
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The Christian Home Crusade
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Begin the Christian Home Crusade in your heart and home. Determine to obey the Lord in every area of your life and family. Also to live a life founded on biblical Christianity and labor together with others in your church.
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Becoming a First Century Church
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Every believer needs to understand that the Lord is doing His work in this world through local churches. What we believe about the church must come from God’s Word. In the Bible we find a description of the first century church.
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Christmas Treasures
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The true meaning of Christmas is found in the Person of Jesus Christ. Many Families have what they call Christmas traditions. It is more appropriate that Christians understand their Christian heritage and pass that heritage from one generation to the next as a legacy. I trust this little book will make a big difference in the way you observe Christmas.
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The Lord is My Shepherd
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The Bible says, “All we like sheep have gone astray.” Sheep need a Shepherd. The very first expression in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd,” has helped troubled hearts for thousands of years. I trust this book will help you know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Believe & Belong
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
This book brings the believer face to face with the responsibility of belonging to a local assembly and actively serving the Saviour through that church. Step by step the reader discovers his personal responsibility to God and the true meaning of church membership. This is the study you have been waiting for to help believers in their understanding of why the Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it.
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Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The purpose of this book is to rally people around the truth of God and, as friends, to labor together to evangelize the world. Baptist Friends agree on the truth of God and have a passion to obey the Lord Jesus in the work of world evangelism. Laboring together as loyal friends getting the truth of the gospel to lost people is our calling. This book sets forth our mission “unto the furtherance of the gospel.” Read it prayerfully. Pass it on to others!
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The Life of David | Volume 1
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The Bible places a tremendous emphasis on the life of David. The Lord did a wonderful work in David’s life to enable him to lead his generation. The Lord still searches for those He can bless and use. He sees what man cannot see.
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The Life of David | Volume 2
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
We continue with David on his journey to the throne. I remind you that David never lifted a finger to become the king of Israel. God moved heaven and earth to place a man with a heart for Him on the throne of His chosen people. David’s story is one of adventure, courage, and faith in God.
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The Way Back to God
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
This new book by Dr. Clarence Sexton traces David’s journey from the greatest failure of his life to the restoration of fellowship with his God. This psalm is the story of David’s soul, a story God has preserved for our benefit – so that we may find the way back to God.
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Secrets of the Heart
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
One of the easiest things to do is to talk of what is wrong with everyone else. However, the psalmist cries out, ‘Help me, it is not another man who is failing and living deceitfully; I am that man. Help me.”
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Door of Hope
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Hosea delivered the Lord’s message to the northern kingdom. Through the heartbreak of his own marriage, he comes to understand Israel’s sin against God. Hosea preaches the message of God’s great love and our responsibility.
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Following Christ and Fishing for Men
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
It is the responsibility of every Christian to go in the power of the Holy Spirit to the lost, give the a clear presentation of the gospel, and bring them to the place of receiving or rejecting Christ as their personal Saviour.
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Have Faith in God
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The Christian life is a faith life. The object of our faith is Christ alone. When we consider living by faith, we should attend to how our Lord addresses this subject. He illustrates this life through the lives of a glorious group of believers.
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The Treasures of Darkness
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The Lord gives His children the “treasures of darkness.” Throughout life, we must remove all secondary causes and see by faith the gracious hand of God. The stars are there all the time, but it takes the darkness to reveal them to us.
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The Glory Due His Name
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
No book brings you nearer to God than the Psalms. the Psalms are quoted more often in the New Testament than any other book in the Old Testament. Enter them with much prayer. Seek God in the Psalms. Meet Him by faith in the midst of His Word.
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Truths Every Christian Needs to Know
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Trusting Christ as Saviour is not an ending, it is only the beginning. The Lord has designed the Christian life in such a way that we can live in victory each day. There are many things we need to know concerning the Christian life. God gives us these open secrets in His Word.
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His Way is Perfect
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
As you read each of these Psalms, may the Lord speak to you. Listen to His voice with a determination to obey Him. This book has been written with the intention for the readers “to teach others also” (II Timothy 2:2).
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The Family of Like Precious Faith
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Believers often forget that they are part of a real family, though it is far different from the one into which they were physically born. It is a family that has “obtained like precious faith.” This precious faith is centered in Christ Jesus. Peter’s theme throughout this second letter, is to show us the distinctive marks of this family of faith.
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Strengthen Thy Brethren | Volume 1
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The great theme of the first epistle of Peter is hope in the midst of suffering and travail. He encourages these believers to remember that the God of their faith was able to take care of them during the difficult days in which they lived.
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Strengthen Thy Brethren | Volume 2
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The apostle Peter’s first epistle was written to people who knew the Lord and yet were suffering greatly. Suffering is so often the element that enters our lives and brings us to recognize how desperately we need the Lord.
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Our God and His Children
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
As we travel through the Book of Psalms, we move forward into the heart of God. Read prayerfully each Psalm. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Listen to God speak through His Word. Enjoy the journey!
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The Life of Joseph
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The life of Joseph is one of the most beautiful ever lived. His story is recorded so that we might know more of how the Lord works in our lives. The greatest lesson we learn from Joseph’s life is that we must remove all secondary causes and see the Lord in every circumstance of life.
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The Christian Home
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Marriages and homes are under attack. We must realize that the foundations of our society is built on the Christian home. What makes a home “Christian?” Many who claim to be Christians do not have Christian homes.
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The Miracles of Jesus | Volume 1
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Miracles are found throughout the Scriptures. Our God is a miracle-working God. The miracles of the Lord Jesus were done to manifest His glory (John 2:11). Every miracle performed by our Lord illustrated a deeper spiritual truth.
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The Miracles of Jesus | Volume 2
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
The miracles of Christ were given to us with a purpose. They were performed to bear witness that Jesus Christ is God’s Son. There is no one so far from God and so lost that He cannot change their life. We are to be witnesses to the miracles of changed lives.
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The Conclusion of the Whole Matter | Volume 1
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
This is the life of the empty king, Solomon. His reign was the most glorious in the history of Israel. Yet he said of his own life, “All is vanity.” We can never be happy or find true fulfillment until we give God His proper place in our life.
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The Conclusion of the Whole Matter | Volume 2
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Ecclesiastes is a sermon about life. It deals with the subject of vanity and declares to us that only God can fill the emptiness of our lives. God’s work is powerful. God can straighten that which is crooked. He can change lives because He can do all things.
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The Parables of Jesus | Volume 1
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
We must understand the parables in order to understand the teachings of the Lord Jesus. A parable is a story “cast alongside” a great spiritual truth to help us comprehend that truth. Each parable of the Lord Jesus has one great lesson for us.
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The Parables of Jesus | Volume 2
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Over one-third of the recorded teachings of our Lord were given in the form of a parable – a story “cast alongside” to help us understand spiritual truth. These parables are the greatest stories ever told.
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Issues of Life Answered from the Bible
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Everything we believe and teach comes from the Bible. When we deal with the issues of life and our society, we must take our stand on the Word of God. We must speak boldly for the Lord Jesus, but we must bathe our words in compassion and love for the souls of men.
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Lord, Send a Revival
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
If Christian people could have only one prayer answered, what should they ask from the Lord? We should pray for revival. When revival comes, everything else we need will follow.
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Earnestly Contending for the Faith
by Dr. Clarence Sexton
Something out of the ordinary is taking place in our world. We are living in an age of apostasy. Jude helps us understand how to live in these last days before Christ comes again.
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