This series by Dr. Clarence Sexton brings the believer face to face with their response to God. Typically, when the word stewardship is mentioned, most people think of money, but our finances are only one expression of our stewardship. Our stewardship encompasses all of life. If you have trusted Christ as your personal Saviour and received His grace and forgiveness, God has an expectation for your life.
The thing that will bring the greatest glory to your Saviour will also bring the greatest good to your own life. Discover the joy of being a faithful steward of what God has given you!
Table of Contents:
1. The Stewardship of Life – Genesis 1:24-31
2. Ownership Versus Stewardship – Genesis 17:1-8
3. The Stewardship of Time – Psalm 90:1-17
4. The Stewardship of Talent – Matthew 25:14-30
5. Then – Luke 12:13-23
6. The Steward’s True Riches – Luke 16:1-11
7. The Measure of Stewardship – Luke 6:27-49
8. The Stewardship of the Gospel – I Corinthians 9:16-17
9. The Requirement of Stewardship – I Corinthians 4:1-2
10. Occupy Till I Come – Luke 19:1-27
11. Bring Ye, Prove Me – Malachi 3:7-12
12. Brought Nothing In, Take Nothing Out – I Timothy 6:3-21
13. Sow Bountifully – II Corinthians 9:1-15