The King Is Coming!
This Bible study by Dr. Lee Roberson gives seventeen powerful lessons about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We are looking for our Lord’s return. Let us not despair. Study these truths expounded from Scripture. In Jesus Christ, we can live the victorious Christian life. Our King is coming!
The Teacher’s Guide is a three-ring notebook containing valuable information to assist the teacher in the preparation and presentation of the Bible lesson. These notes are identical in format to the Study Guide. The page numbers on the “Teacher’s Notes” correspond to the page numbers in the Study Guide. Also included are class teaching notes and lesson aims which may be removed from the Teacher’s Guide and placed in the teacher’s Bible to assist in teaching the lesson.
Goals for This Series:
- To know that the greatest event of the future is the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ
- To recognize that every believer will stand at the judgment seat of Christ and be judged according to their works on earth
- To understand that the Tribulation will be a time of terrible suffering ruled by an unholy trinity of Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet
- To know that those who have followed Christ faithfully on this earth will be given rulership during Christ’s thousand year reign of peace and righteousness
- To know that at the end of the Millennium, Christ will punish Satan by throwing him into the lake of fire for eternity
- To recognize that all those who reject Christ will be judged by Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne and then cast into hell for eternity
- To understand that after the Millennium, God will destroy this earth and create a new heaven and a new earth
- To recognize that the Holy Spirit is calling every lost sinner to come unto Jesus Christ
- To recognize that the Bible equips us to defeat the Devil
- To recognize that Jesus Christ commands us to go abroad and tell men of the love of God and His willingness to save all who will come unto Him