A Mother’s Prayer

“And when he had considered the thing, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, whose surname was Mark; where many were gathered together praying.” Acts 12:12 Mothers are called on to do many things in their relationship to their children, but they do nothing greater than pray for their children. Do you […]

Principles of Discipleship: Christ First Calls Us to Himself

Many churches are changing. All over the world, churches have fallen into the “success syndrome.” The measure of whether or not they are getting the job done has become little more than keeping score. I am grateful to God for the number of people who attend our church, for the generous giving on the part […]

Christmas Treasures

All of us have treasures. Children treasure their toys. A special object handed down from one generation to another becomes a family treasure. What are your treasures? What is considered to be of greatest value to you? Shortly after my wife and I were married, our house was burned. Nearly every earthly possession we had […]

The Mystery of the Seven Golden Candlesticks

The human penman John obeyed God’s command to write, “the things which thou hast seen,” which are the things of the past; and “the things which are,” that is this present age; and then, “the things which shall be hereafter” (Revelation 1:19). When we come to the second and third chapters of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we are dealing with […]

What Every Child Needs to Know About Easter

Our entire faith is anchored in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians must speak about this truth with absolute clarity. The Devil is the author of confusion, and he does everything he can to confuse people about this single event. During this time of year, many people in America get sidetracked by the Easter bunny […]

God Keeps His Word

The book of Ezra records one of the greatest turning points in the work of God for all time. I have several books about the history of military conquests. One of them describes fifteen decisive battles that changed the course of history. As I was looking through that book recently, I thought to myself, “Did […]

Becoming a Faithful Man

In II Timothy 2:2 the Bible says, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” Notice the expression, “faithful men.” Our world is missing faithful men. In this sense, I am not talking about being faithful to your family or […]