Becoming a First Century Church
By Dr. Clarence Sexton
Every believer needs to understand that the Lord is doing His work in this world through local churches.
What we believe about the church must come from God’s Word.
In the Bible we find a description of the first century church.
1. The First Century Church (Matthew 16:18)
2. The Measure of the First Century … (Ephesians 4:13)
3. The Power of the First Century Ch… (Acts 4:33)
4. The Authority of the First Centur… (II Timothy 3:15)
5. The Doctrine of the First Century… (Acts 2:42)
6. The Structure of the First Centur… (I Corinthians 12:12)
7. The Prayer Life of the First Cent… (Acts 1:14)
8. True Worship in the First Century… (John 4:23)
9. The Preacher in the First Century… (II Timothy 4:2)
10. The Vision of the First Century C… (Acts 26:19)
11. The Pioneering Spirit of the Firs… (Acts 1:8)
12. Personal Accountability to God in… (Romans 14:12)
13. The Faith of the First Century Ch… (Romans 1:8)